

“Let us set ourselves to know the Lord. That He will come is as certain as the dawn. He will come as showers come, as spring rains watering the earth.” (Hosea 6:3-4)

Spring has come and gone and summer is giving us welcome rain.  The arid earth, plants, animals and humans are rejoicing.   If we can look at life, not only from a human perspective, but with supernatural eyes, with perceptive mindfulness, we realise that blessings do come down like gentle rain all the time, “watering our earth.” Sometimes we just are too busy to notice them!  But they still come, like the Spring rains, refreshing the earth.

We are sharing with our readers some of these blessings, which we hope will encourage us all. On our part let us:
“Act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with our God.” (Micah 6:8).

Diana Beamish

2 New Dog Kennels
On Monday 16 Nov 2 new dog kennels were donated to us for our beloved dogs, Princess and Lady who
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Mercy House for me
“I rejopiced when I heard them say, let us go to God’s house. and now our feet are standing with
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Latest Acheivements
New office and guest room The room will be used to house occassional visitors at Mercy house. We, at Mercy
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From 1994 to 2009
The Story of Mercy HouseFrom 1994 To 2009 Historical BackgroundAt the beginning of Lent 1992, Diana Beamish went to the
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Video Production By Emmanuel M. Musa