A Unique Christmas Celebration

Our Christmas celebration this year was truly unique in that, in addition to the gift giving, we also had with us Isabel – a young woman who is both a puppeteer and ventriloquist, telling the Christmas story through her puppet, Rosie. The photos will show just how amazed our children were – never before had they seen a doll who could ask questions and talk to them! After Isabel’s wonderful performance, we gave out gifts to each of the 60 or more people present – kids, teenagers, mothers, young adults. A HUGE big thank you to Isabel but also to Mrs Jenny Stevens who provided gifts for every single person present. You two ladies really made the day for so many and gave a huge amount of joy to so many.  Each gift had been chosen according to the age and gender of the individual, named and beautifully wrapped. This huge task was undertaken by Jenny, who not only raised the funding but also, with her team from her company, Makuru, did the wrapping. All in all, it was a truly wonderful occasion and blessed.